Think Creative and Entrepreneurial
Creativity & Innovation
To Increase Innovation, Take the Sting Out of Failure
"We need more innovation around here. We need people to think more
creatively and be more entrepreneurial. I've been saying this for the
last couple years, and yet very little seems to be changing. It's very
This was a recent lament from a client, a senior leader at a
medium-sized professional services firm. He was frustrated that even
though his organization was encouraging people at every turn to take
chances on new ideas, too few were actually stepping up to do it.
I pushed him a little further and asked him what he meant when he
said he was "encouraging people at every turn to take chances."
He explained that the need for innovation was a thread running
through all communications these days. Senior leaders of the firm were
relentlessly making the case that they needed to innovate or they'd lose
their footing. They shared specific places where they'd missed market
opportunities and were now playing catch up. A few more of these
missteps, and they feared they'd lose their market leading position.
The frustrating part was that, for the most part, people around the
organization "got it" --yet behavior still didn't change.
Then I asked him how he treats failure in his organization. He
wasn't sure how to answer the question. He hadn't really ever considered
it before. His first off-hand response was, "As something to be
avoided." He immediately saw the inherent problems with his answer as
soon as the words came out of his mouth.
Unfortunately, my client's story is all too common in organizations
these days. There's a strong logical need for more innovation efforts,
yet weeks, months and years go by they don't happen. The reason for
this is simple; it's an emotional, not logical problem. Innovation
efforts are risky and can (by definition) fail. And failure can sting.
So if you haven't figured out how to take some of the sting out of
failure, you won't get innovation.
Start by defining a smart failure. Everyone in your
organization knows what success is. It's the things you put on a resume:
increased revenues, decreased costs, delivered a product etc. Far fewer
know what a smart failure is — i.e. the type of failures that should be
congratulated. These are the thoughtful and well planned projects that
for some reason didn't work. Define them so people know the acceptable
boundaries within which to fail. If you don't define them, all failure
looks risky and it will kill creativity and innovation.
Questions to consider in defining smart failures: What makes a
failure smart in our organization? What makes a failure dumb?
Specifically, what guidelines, approaches, or processes characterize
smart risk taking? What clear examples can we point to, to demonstrate
smart failures? You want people to clearly understand the right and
wrong way to fail.
Finally, as a manager, make your approach to risk taking transparent
As a leader, you've taken risks to get to where you are. You've had
your fair share of successes and a few memorable flops. Share these with
your people. Share how you approached both, how you made mistakes, how
you learned to mitigate risks, how you dealt with the uncertainty, and
how you succeeded. Let them see your decision process and how you
weighed pros and cons. Let them know you'll support them as they
experiment and learn to take smart risks.
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