"Meaningful Silence" Sarah ÀLainn
Each of us holds a vision shaped by experiences. Our experiences, indelible, personal, and vivid, change the vision of the present, of the past, and for the future. It is those experiences that develop that vision into something more tangible. Because it’s not what vision is, but what vision does. Sarah Àlainn explains in this amazing talk the importance of "meaningful silence", which is often neglected in our daily life. Silence is not just "non-existence" of sound, but it can also be an essential part of music or any piece of art that brings us a hightened aethetic experience. Sydney raised, Japan based multi-instrumental artist and singer Sarah Àlainn has been making waves over in the Japanese music scene.

Through the passionate and soul-speaking talks and performances, TEDxUTokyo 2016 “VIVID VISION” will be transforming the way you perceive your world and its future.
Watch Now this amazing Talk with Sarah ÀLainn at TEDxUTokyo...
A vocalist, violinist, composer and copy-writer from Australia... Sarah studied the violin at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and graduated with a High Distinction average from the University of Sydney with a doble mayor in Linguistics and Music, whilst also studyng abroad at the University of Tokyo from 2008 to 2009.
Her vocal range spans over 3 octaves and her voice constains 1/f fluctuations. She recently recorded and performed with Andra Bocelli ande currently hosts and English-language teaching show 'Kiso Eigo for Adult Learners' on NHK TV.

Sarah Àlainn explains the importance of "meaningful silence", which is often neglected in our daily life.
Silence is not just "non-existence" of sound, but it can also be an essential part of music or any piece of art that brings us a hightened aethetic experience.
Sydney raised, Japan based multi-instrumental artist and singer Sarah Àlainn has been making waves over in the Japanese music scene.
more information about Sarah:
A vocalist, violinist, composer and copy-writer from Australia... Sarah studied the violin at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and graduated with a High Distinction average from the University of Sydney with a doble mayor in Linguistics and Music, whilst also studyng abroad at the University of Tokyo from 2008 to 2009.
Her vocal range spans over 3 octaves and her voice constains 1/f fluctuations. She recently recorded and performed with Andra Bocelli ande currently hosts and English-language teaching show 'Kiso Eigo for Adult Learners' on NHK TV.

Sarah Àlainn explains the importance of "meaningful silence", which is often neglected in our daily life.
Silence is not just "non-existence" of sound, but it can also be an essential part of music or any piece of art that brings us a hightened aethetic experience.
Sydney raised, Japan based multi-instrumental artist and singer Sarah Àlainn has been making waves over in the Japanese music scene.
more information about Sarah:
Each of us holds a vision shaped by experiences. Our experiences, indelible, personal, and vivid, change the vision of the present, of the past, and for the future. It is those experiences that develop that vision into something more tangible. Because it’s not what vision is, but what vision does. Through the passionate and soul-speaking talks and performances, TEDxUTokyo 2016 “VIVID VISION” will be transforming the way you perceive your world and its future. TEDxUTokyo 2016 isn’t just a speaker series event, it is also a place where the exchange of ideas goes beyond the boundaries of industries and disciplines. Throughout the event and all the way to the reception after-party, participants, speakers, and staff will get to freely explore new ideas together. Join us as we explore each vivid vision of the people around us.

Sarah Àlainn, the Japanese & Australia-born vocalist, violinist, composer, Copywriter, lyricist, translator. She was raised in Sydney, Australia, and discovered her musical talents at the young age of five. She enrolled at the University of Sydney where she obtained her BA Arts Language degree, specializing in linguistics and music.
Firstly with her song "Beyond The Sky" for the Nintendo Wii game Xenoblade, to releasing her debut album "Celeste", Sarah is a critically acclaimed artist with an impressive body of work in the Japanese market.
"Meaningful Silence" Sarah Àlainn at TEDxUTokyo by TEDxTalks (CC BY NC ND)
more information about Sarah:
Interview to Sarah Àlainn:

About TEDxUTokyo
TEDxUTokyo is a collaboration with TED that gave birth to Japan’s first TEDxUniversity. The framework of TEDx is to help fulfil the role that a university is to play in society, which is to be an embodiment of knowledge, and since 2012, TEDxUTokyo has been hosting talks with the traction that TEDx provides. TEDxUTokyo is the largest TEDxUniversity that invites as many as 15 speakers to talk about Japan’s future through organized talk sessions with 400 audience members. Since 2014, we have begun to deepen our community through hosting full TED content packed small-scale events like TEDxSalon, TED video live streaming sessions, and idea sharing event TEDxLive. In business, the arts, and the fusion of academic fields, from our community, we strongly believe that we will give birth to innovators who will form the spine of Japan’s future.
more information:

TEDxUTokyo are greatly depending the audience! Every year through countless applications to select the audience members to join, because TEDxUTokyo want to work together with the ppublic to make this event a success.
About TED
TED is an abbreviation of the words Technology, Entertainment and Design. In the state of California, once a year, speakers from a plethora of fields of expertise are invited to give a talk at this global community event. TEDtalk first started in 1984, and since the start of its online platform in 2006, the talks have been viewer billions of times all around the world with talks being translated into 93 different languages, and TED has since gained fame worldwide. It is not your everyday lecture, but an event where participants are invited to freely interact with one another and with the speakers.
About TEDx
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDx[name], where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDx[name] event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.
"Meaningful Silence" Sarah Àlainn at TEDxUTokyo by TEDxTalks (CC BY NC ND)
SOURCE: youtube.com/watch?v=tBiGx-J_gQk
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
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