ROck N' Roll & DisrupT

Kentaro Toyama used to speak about the idea that technology amplifies what's already out there. I'm very interested in finding ways to cultivate virtues such as compassion and kindness—all the things that actually help us relate to each other. Then exponential technology can meet this fertile ground, and the results will be more beneficial for humankind. Technology is not a miracle drug. It's not going to just go and fix everything if we are corrupted in our minds and in our hearts. Technology can help to bring more people into this global conversation, but we need to also talk about the quality of that connection. How are we using the technology to facilitate connection? Is it something that can help empower people’s voices? That is something we have to decide. We have to create the infrastructure—it's not going to happen just by itself. This is part of the global consciousness discussion. It’s definitely a global challenge—how to make people be more aware.
"We have this massive power to open doors for each other, but also, to close them. So let's make sure that our behavior, when we encounter people, is the kind that opens doors and elevates people. I think that's the only way to really change the world for the better." One of My favorite quotes is from Aristotle, "Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." –Emilia Lahti. See full Interview via Singularity Hub...
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