"What's driving Elon Musk?"

By Amit Katwala  via Wired UK

Elon Musk is a science-fiction character. That’s how one friend puts it. In some ways, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is the archetypical cartoon billionaire – Tony Stark meets The Simpsons’ Hank Scorpio – with the rockets, the rollercoaster personal life and the fast cars – one of which is currently speeding away from us at 13,000kph. Those who know Musk talk about the inevitability of his own ascension to the stratosphere. After setting up online mapping and directory service Zip2 in 1995 with his brother Kimbal, and netting $22 million from its sale four years later, Musk ploughed much of that money into, an online bank. That eventually became PayPal, which scored him a further $165 million. Musk then found another interest, and has dedicated the last 17 years of his life to it. Saving humanity from itself, as he sees it, is what wants to achieve through electric-vehicle company Tesla, rocket firm SpaceX, plus interests in energy startup Solar City, brain-hacking company Neuralink, tunnel-construction firm The Boring Company, and, of course the hyped Hyperloop. Musk’s entrepreneurial journey has been characteristically unpredictable. “He is absolutely burning the ships to shore. There is no way back. The only way to go is forward and through” Dave Lyons, former director of engineering, Tesla. Money may be a means to a larger end for Musk, but his fascination with storytelling,  “You don't get the feeling that he wants to be a billionaire, or that he wants to be famous. He wants to save humanity” Scott Halderman, uncle.

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"1000 Genomas Chile"


CHILE SECUENCIA A CHILE: 1000 Genomas es un proyecto científico pionero orientado a descifrar el genoma de la población chilena y de las especies nativas del país. Se trata de una iniciativa multidisciplinaria que tiene como objetivo secuenciar el genoma de 1000 chilenos y de 1000 especies no humanas propias del pais.   Este último grupo incluye animales, vegetales y microorganismos, idealmente endémicos o de interés productivo para el país. Hoy en día es mucho más accesible secuenciar el genoma que hace unos años, pero la generación de nuevo conocimiento no es fácil y conocer el genoma de los chilenos es una gran  meta, para la cual notables centros científicos se han congregado para llevar a cabo esta gran misión, colaborando de forma multidiciplinaria para investigar y generar avances de la mano de la genomica. La secuenciación a  permitido descifrar el genoma humano, algo que antes era impensable y ahora es una realidad. Con este proyecto Chile apunta conocer la secuencia del genoma de la población chilena y de variadas especies del pais, aunque internacionalmente otros paises estan muy avanzados en esta area, este proyecto pretende cambiar esto  insertando a Chile como actor protagónico en la aplicación de ciencia, data y tecnología en el beneficio del pais, lo cual impactará profundamente a la sociedad en diferentes ambitos, como es en el caso de la medicina personalizada, tecnología exponencial que cambiara la vida de las personas en un futuro cercano y Chile mediante esta iniciativa sera parte de esta revolución.... Ve ahora via streaming el lanzamiento de esta gran iniciativa que con ciencia y tecnología Chile secuencia a Chile.

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"Singularity University Global Summit" LIVE


Singularity University’s (SU) 3° annual Global Summit begins today in San Francisco with amazing talks. Where the world’s most innovative leaders gather to learn how emerging technologies are redefining business, society, and humanity.SU Global Summit brings together a world-class collection of leaders. Together, we strive to better understand the future through exponential technologies, create meaningful connections among colleagues, and empower every individual to go out and build a better world.  This event is the definitive annual gathering of the Singularity Univesity community, and the most impactful moment of connection for a global network of innovators. Singularity University Global Summit will be streamed live from the Hilton San Francisco Union Square August 20-22nd, 2018. Follow along as we bring together a global community from across industries to learn about the latest advancements in exponential technologies, explore how organizations can use these technologies for innovation, and discuss how we can work together to harness the power of these technologies for positive global impact... WATCH NOW THIS AMAZING EVENT!

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"Aretha Franklin and Elvis Presley"

"The Queen Of Soul
 & King Of Rock"

Today we pay tribute to the #KingOfRock & Roll - Elvis Presley  & the #QueenOfSoul - Aretha Franklin, who dies 41 Years to the Day After Elvis. Music legend Aretha Frankin died Thursday morning of advance pancreatic cancer of the neuroendocrine type at the age of 76 — exactly 41 years after Elvis Presley died under  different circumstances, but both are true legends of music, inspiring millions by crossing borders and times.

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"Led Zeppelin" 50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary

50 years ago  history was made, #LedZeppelin was formed. Awesome anniversary! Initially called the New Yardbirds, Led Zeppelin was an English rock band formed in London in 1968 and are widely considered one of the most successful, innovative, and influential rock groups in history. The band's heavy, guitar-driven sound has led them to be cited as one of the progenitors of heavy metal. Their style drew from a wide variety of influences, including blues, psychedelia, and folk music.   Although their musical style was diverse, they came to be well known for their influence on the development of heavy metal.

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"A Graphic Biography of Warhol"

By Maria Popova via

Andy Warhol, the iconic Pop artist, presented himself as the vacuous, dumb kid, famously saying, "If you want to know all about Andy Warhol, just look at the surface of my paintings . and there I am. There's nothing behind it." This book penetrates the surface and explores Warhol's art from his beginnings as a commercial artist to his apotheosis as a society portrait painter. Vivid illustrations reveal Andy's worlds. Who shot Marilyn, and other illustrated anecdotes of Warhol’s fallible humanity.  As a lover of graphic biographies, including those of Sigmund Freud, Charles Darwin, Richard Feynman, Hunter S. Thompson, Steve Jobs, and the human brain, I was delighted for the release of This is Warhol (public library | IndieBound) — the first installment in a new series of graphic biographies of thirty famous artists by Scottish art historian Catherine Ingram. What makes the concept especially appealing is that, unlike most art history books, which tend to be either dry textbooks to be studied or lavish monograph-artifacts to be owned and admired, Ingram’s approach embodies Tolstoy’s assertion that art is about emotional infectiousness. She tells a living story, at once illuminating and vibrantly human, rather than weaving a static tapestry of facts. The result is a book that’s inviting without compromising its intelligence.

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"Lollapalooza 2018" LIVE


 Lollapalooza is known as a world-renowned music festival, and this weekend on beautiful Grant Park of Chicago, which will feature more than 170 musical performances over four days. Lollapalooza has featured a diverse range of bands and has helped expose and popularize artists. It has also provided a platform for non-profit and political groups and various visual artists. Lollapalooza 2018 will take place Thursday, August 2 and continue through Sunday, August 5;  Watch this great festival on the official LIVE stream via RedBull TV.

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The Metal Festival via Official Live Stream

"Wacken - the best heavy metal festival in the whole wide world right here! The answer to the world's bullshit is not being full of hate, but being full of love, ligh and music"  IronMaiden.
Wacken Open Air (W:O:A) is a summer open-air heavy metal music festival. It takes place annually in the small village of Wacken in Schleswig-Holstein, northern Germany. With 80,000 festival visitors, and including personnel a total of roughly 86,000 attendees in 2011, it attracts various kinds of metal and hard rock music fans.  Wacken 2018 will be held from Thursday 2 August- Saturday 4 August Acts confirmed so far: Epica, Nightwish, Doro, Sepultura, Archenemy, Helloween, Judas Priest  In Extremo  and many more. Watch this great festival on the official LIVE stream

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It's #OvershootDay. Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when we (all of humanity) have used more from nature than our planet can renew in the entire year, We are using 1.7 Earths. We use more ecological resources and services than nature can regenerate through overfishing, overharvesting forests, and emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than ecosystems can absorb. In less than eight months, humanity has exhausted Earth's budget for the year, that means humans have officially used more natural resources in 2018 than the Earth can renew this year. The Earth Overshoot Day lands on August 1, and  marks the date when humanity has exhausted nature’s budget for the year, for the rest of the year, we are maintaining our ecological deficit by drawing down local resource stocks and accumulating carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We are operating in overshoot. 

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