"El Arte surreal de Flora Borsi"

 "El Arte surreal de 
Flora Borsi"
Un bello viaje a través de la mente

Sueños atmosféricos que juegan, emocionan y trasforman “Su  arte transforma, emociona y enriquece la  realidad llevándonos poéticamente hacia nuevas formas surrealistas.” Flora Borsi  es una artista visual  Húngara que a través de su representación artística nos conduce al surrealismo, distorsionando nuestro mundo de forma poética, delicada y exquisita a través de la manipulación fotográfica.  Ella crea obras conceptuales con una estética etérea  que evocan emociones, como lujuria, deseo, desesperación y pérdida. Jugando con la mente humana y la belleza femenina, permitiéndonos enriquecer nuestro mundo con su visión atmosférica, onírica y fantástica.

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"Research and Development"

How much do Companies spend on R&D?

Manufacturers in the future will increasingly invest more in their own laboratories.“By developing infrastructure and training skilled workers, foreign investors can contribute to a country’s broader R&D ecosystem.”

Manufacturers are investing in and prioritising research and development (R&D) as never before, even in an uncertain economic environment, as they seek to gain a competitive advantage. In a 2015 KPMG survey of global manufacturers, half said their strategic focus was innovation-led, with almost three-quarters planning to devote more than 4% of revenues to R&D over the next two years—up from almost 60% who did so over the past two years. Broadly speaking, virtually all manufacturers have R&D divisions or centres devoted to the development of technologies meant to give them a competitive edge. As the US National Institute of Standards and Technology notes, companies can focus their efforts in several directions: they might overhaul manufacturing processes to produce substantial productivity or quality gains; improve production equipment for gains in speed, accuracy or environmental efficiency; create technologies that empower the development of new products or processes (such as prototyping or supply chain integration); or pursue advances that improve workforce conditions. Full Article via The Economist Intelligence Unit

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"DROWN IN RED 1" photography

Amazing photography by Maryna Khomenko; artwork with a beautiful lady in long red dress in poppy field. Maryna Fine art addicted photographer and propsmaker from Kyiv. "A kid with a dream and a sky full of stars."

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"Temple Grandin"


Temple Grandin fue diagnosticada con autismo desde que era pequeña  y  en esta gran charla TED  nos habla de cómo funciona su mente - compartiendo su capacidad de "pensar en imágenes", la cual le ayuda a resolver problemas que los cerebros neurotípicos o normales no pueden. Ella nos dice que el mundo necesita a gente del espectro autista: pensadores visuales, pensadores del patrón, pensadores verbales, y todas las clases de smart geeky kids.
Temple Grandin  es una zoóloga, etóloga, diseñadora de manejo de ganado, profesora universitaria, escritora y es una destacada  activista del autismo, incluso cuenta con una pelicula inspirada en su vida. Temple es ampliamente elogiada como una de las primeras personas con espectro autista en compartir públicamente puntos de vista de su experiencia personal de autismo. A través de la investigación innovadora y la lente de su propio autismo, Temple Grandin trae una visión sorprendente de dos mundos.

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"The Rebirth of Venus" streetart

Sustainability & Creativity
"The Rebirth of Venus" 
StreetArt by @coloquix


This amazing mural is a artwork by coloquix,  with a powerful criticism of the environmental damage that humans generate, especially with the garbage and plastic that contaminates the oceans of the whole world. Coloquix has been in existence for some time now, but it was back in 2013 when the lady began appearing on walls, in wooded areas and even underwater.  Whilst primarily based in the United Kingdom, she has also made appearances in various cities. As well as appearing randomly in derelict buildings and shady spots,  But whilst she can be found lurking in rivers, woods and buildings, she has also appeared frequently in homes and businesses…assuming she is invited!

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"Education Redefined"

The Future is Now
By The Economist (EIU) & the Yidan Prize Foundation

Workers face an uncertain future amid rapid technological and social change. Where are they learning the skills of tomorrow?  As the world becomes ever more uncertain and volatile, how well is your country educating the next generation with the skills needed for the future? The Worldwide Educating for the Future Index evaluates the extent to which education systems instill “future skills” across 35 economies.

The Worldwide Educating for the Future Index, the first comprehensive global index to evaluate inputs to education systems rather than outputs such as test scores. This Index, has been created by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and commissioned by the Yidan Prize Foundation, was developed to assess the effectiveness of education systems in preparing students for the demands of work and life in a rapidly changing landscape.

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"The Edge of a Second Sexual Revolution?"

Are We at the Edge of a 2°Sexual Revolution?

Do you remember your first formal lesson about the birds and the bees? Our biology or health teachers stood before a classroom full of giggling, squirming preteens and told us how babies are made. The best way to make a baby, they said, is to find someone you love, get married, and have sex.

The image we had of a stork delivering a blue or pink-swaddled bundle to parents’ outstretched arms was shattered, and we started to accept the realities of procreation. Eventually, we assumed we had it all figured out. Well, brace yourself, because according to serial entrepreneur Martin Varsavsky, all our existing beliefs about procreation are about to be shattered again. Varsavsky is CEO and founder of family planning startup Prelude Fertility, and in a presentation at Singularity University’s Global Summit, he explained why his company wants to help start the second sexual revolution. 

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"Nicanor Parra" el Antipoeta


"En lo que sé, sólo el poeta mexicano Mario Santiago ha hecho una lectura lúcida de su trabajo. Nosotros, los otros sólo han visto un meteorito oscuro" - Roberto Bolaño sobre Nicanor Parra.  Irreverente, controvertido y eterno candidato al Nobel, Parra era uno de los poetas más influyentes y originales de la literatura hispanoamericana contemporánea”.
Hoy a 104 años de su nacimiento celebramos y tributamos la genialidad de Nicanor Parra, creador de la Antipoesía,  obra que lo a hecho merecedor de grandes reconocimientos y mundialmente conocido, revolucionando la literatura a traves de su disruptiva obra de arte que a sido una gran influencia especialmente en hispanoamericana. Este poeta, matemático y físico chileno, es para muchos críticos y autores connotados el mejor o uno de los mejores poetas de Occidente.

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"New Rules of Creativity"


"New Rules of Creativity"

Much of what is needed has already been created. To innovate for the future, you must be able to see it. History is no longer a guide to the future. This is how it used to work: once in a blue moon, a major discovery was made, or else something transformative was invented, and the human existence advanced on the back of it, in one giant leap. Think of the effect the discovery of fire had. Winters became tolerable. Food could be cooked and, thus, rid of many poisons. Night times became active. Lives rapidly lengthened. Agriculture helped us feed our rapidly growing, maturing population. General nutrition levels rocketed. Lives became healthier and happier. The invention of sails t riggered international travel. Powered flight made it exponentially quicker. Lives become wider; richer. Yet if we saw just one such milestone in our lifetime we were among the lucky spectators of history. The big difference in the digital age is that we see one milestone almost every year. This article is based on ideas in Vivek’s book (coauthored with Alex Salkever) "The Driver in the Driverless Car: How Our Technology Choices Will Create the Future."  READ THIS GREAT ARTICLE AND THE GRAPHIC VERSION VIA DIALOGUE REVIEW. . .

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