"When Woman Is Boss" Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla on Gender Equality and Technology
When Woman Is Boss: Nikola Tesla on Gender Equality and How Technology Will Unleash Women’s True Potential. The legendary inventor predicts “the acquisition of new fields of endeavor by women” and “their gradual usurpation of leadership.”Engineer, physicist, and futurist Nikola Tesla (July 10, 1856–January 7, 1943) is among the most radical rule-breakers of science and is regarded by many as the greatest inventor in human history. His groundbreaking work paved the way for wireless communication and imprinted every electrical device we use today. Without Tesla, I wouldn’t be writing these words on this keyboard and you wouldn’t be reading them on this screen. But like all true geniuses, Tesla envisioned not only the practical applications of his inventions but the profound cultural shifts that any successful technology precipitates. One of the most surprising, most obscure, yet most incisive of Tesla’s predictions peers into the future of society’s changing gender roles and considers how the advent of wireless technology would empower women, liberating us to develop our full intellectual potential repressed by the patriarchy for centuries. Read Now This Amazing Article via Brainpickings.

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