"Día Internacional del Gato"

 Del Gato"

En el #DíaInternacionalDelGato unas palabras llenas de amor y sentimientos positivos para estas geniales mascotas que nos acompaña día a día junto  a estas infografías de @pictoline"
Un maullido es un masaje al corazón... El gato posee belleza sin vanidad, fuerza sin insolencia, coraje sin ferocidad, todas las virtudes del hombre sin sus vicios."

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"See the world through her Asperger eyes"


"See the world through her Asperger eyes"


As well awareness starts with the willingness to listen so does equality start with being awaew of the Differences! Wendy Lampen, She got diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome herself. Next to being an MA in autism, she extensively studied neurotypical (non-autistic) behaviour in order to understand people better. It gave her insight into what really set her apart from (most of the) others and the way the two braintypes give meaning to the world they experience.  From her international experience in how different cultures look at autism or 'disorders' in general, Wendy is an advocate for a neuro-divers society. She focusses on the competences an d the possibilities of the different braintypes and how they each can contribute to a richer life. And although being on the autismspectrum herself she approaches each problem as it just being a vehicle between the current position she is in, and the next one – and for that matter thus a better one. 

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"Sustainable Development Goals" Valentines Day

Sustainable Development Goals

 Valentines Day

Spread some #GlobalGoals in this #LOVEDay

Everyone can contribute to making sure the Sustainable Development Goals are met.  In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 goals for a better world by 2030. These goals have the power to end poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change. Guided by the goals, it is now up to all of us, governments, businesses, civil society and the general public to work together to build a better future for everyone.

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"Day of Women in Science"


“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained” Marie Curie. Today we celebrate #WomenInScience because gender equality and women’s empowerment are pre-conditions 4 sustainable development. On the Intl. Day of Women in Science, we honor women in all fields of science — and look forward to educating the next generation. Equal participation of women and girls in the fields of science is a critical right and a means by which women can achieve their aspirations in life. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is founded on the principle of leaving no one behind, including women and girls who continue to be systematically under-represented both as users and as leaders in the science, technology and innovation space. The current trajectory will not get us the world we want.

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"Science Fiction’s Greatest Power?"

Science Fiction’s Greatest Power?
Inspiring Us to Build the Future

Science fiction’s visions of the future can appear more fantasy than fact. Sometimes books and movies are unnerving, other times they’re way off. Although sci-fi isn’t always right, it does something else that’s more important than mere prediction—it inspires the people who can build the future to go out there and get to work.And so when I received an invitation to participate in SU Labs’ pilot workshop—SciFi D.I.: Design Intelligence for the Future Home, a two-part workshop bringing together an uncommon mix of partners to create a sci-fi graphic novel envisioning the future home in 2030—I was pretty fired up.

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"E-Waste Problem"

Sustainability & TECH
"E-Waste Problem"
By Ariel Schwartz via FastCompany

Every day, we throw out an enormous amount of precious metals that are hiding inside our old electronics. Just how much? This infographic will shock you, especially if you like gold. Electronics supply chains have become a popular topic of discussion over the past few years. The vast majority of our e-waste is thrown in the garbage, even though it contains valuable materials that can be reused.

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"HUMBERTO MATURANA y el Origen de la Vida"


"El Futuro y El Pasado no existen, porque hay que pensarlos desde el HOY y este es el único que existe" Humberto Maturana
... El Biólogo y Escritor Humberto Maturana, creador del concepto de autopoiesis y de las bases de la biología del conocer y co-fundador de la Escuela Matriztica, donde difunde las ideas de la Biología del Conocer y el Amar incluido,  se presentó en el Congreso Futuro,  un espacio único de intercambio de ideas entre los chilenos y los líderes del pensamiento mundial.   El CONGRESO DEL FUTURO  es la convención  Científico/Ciudadana mas relevante de América Latina, que a puesto a Chile en el mapa mundial de la divulgación científica.  Organizado por el Senado de Chile y con expositores de clase mundial que debatirán sus ideas e investigaciones en apasionantes charlas sobre los grandes temas que definirán nuestro futuro, comunicando de forma directa y cercana con la ciudadanía, invitándonos a tomar conciencia de nuestra realidad y de los cambios que están por llegar.  LOS INVITAMOS A VER ESTA GRAN CHARLA... 

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What's your attitude to life?
Cat or Dog? People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude; Punk was defined by an attitude rather than a musical style. The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude towards them -Antoine de Saint-Exupery. “And how do you know that you're mad? "To begin with," said the Cheshire Cat, "a dog's not mad. You grant that?" I suppose so, said Alice. "Well then," the Cat went on, "you see a dog growls when it's angry, and wags it's tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad.”― Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass 

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"World Cancer Day"

Creativity & Disruption
"World Cancer Day"
Cancer is the biggest killer worldwide, Let's beat sooner

World Cancer Day is a day to unite in the fight against cancer. Every Unity Band worn, every pound donated and every gesture of support will play an important part of beating cancer sooner. The funds raised from incredible people like you will support thousands of scientists, doctors and nurses to accelerate progress in the fight against over 200 cancer types. Is an international day marked on February 4 to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment. World Cancer Day was founded by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to support the goals of the World Cancer Declaration, written in 2008. The primary goal of the World Cancer Day is to significantly reduce illness and death caused by cancer by 2020. World Cancer Day targets misinformation, raises awareness, and reduces stigma. Multiple initiatives run on WorldCancer Day to show support for those affected by cancer. I AM AND  WILL!

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"Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime" by Beck

"Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime"

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind OST by Beck

Amazing cover by BECK with depressive and atmospheric style... Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a 2004 American romantic science fiction tragicomedy film written by Charlie Kaufman and directed by Michel Gondry; The film uses elements of the psychological thriller and a nonlinear narrative to explore the nature of memory and romantic love. The title of the film is a quotation from the 1717 poem Eloisa to Abelard by Alexander Pope.   A cover version of The Korgis' "Everybody's Got to Learn Sometime" with instrumentation by Brion and vocals by Beck operates as the soundtrack's centerpiece, setting the film's tone in the opening credits, and closing the film.

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