"SUPER BLUE BLOOD MOON 2018" by @msanhuezacelsi

Artwork by @msanhuezacelsi

2018 surprises us with  two  supermoon on January and this January 31 will play host to an incredibly rare celestial convergence, "The Super Blue Blood Moon"  a special total lunar eclipse with red moon no blue, as some imagine. This amazing phenomenon are Supermoon, Blue Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse & Blood Moon; everything at once for the first time in 152 years...  The association of the Moon with both oceanic and crustal tides has led to claims that the supermoon phenomenon may be associated with increased risk of events like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but there is no such link. "Super Blue Blood Moon"  It may sound like the apocalypse is nigh, so let's break it down by its three parts: "super," "blue" and "blood." A blue moon (a second full moon in a calendar month), a super moon (when the moon is unusually close to Earth, making it bigger and brighter) and a blood moon (a moment during an eclipse when the moon appears red) will all coincide for the first time since 1866.

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"Image is Powerful but is Superficial" Cameron Russell


"Image is powerful…but also, image is superficial. Barring surgery (or the fake tan I got for work) there’s very little we can do to transform how we look. And how we look — although it is superficial and immutable — has a huge impact on our lives. Today for me, being fearless means being honest. And I am on this stage because I’m a model — I’m on this stage because I am a pretty, white woman. In my industry we call that a ‘sexy girl’"  Cameron Russell. Cameron  wants to have a discussion about the way that we, as a society, perceive beauty. Media representations of women, she says, are replete with racist and sexist representations, encouraging women to live up to a standard that is both oppressive and unattainable. Russell’s profession offers an insider’s perspective on the topic – after all, she has been modeling for over a decade. Watch this great talk with all power this amazing woman...

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"Super Blue Blood Moon"



Today, January 31 will play host to an incredibly rare celestial convergence , "Super Blue Blood Moon" a special total lunar eclipse with red moon no blue, as some imagine...  2018 surprises us with  two  supermoon on January and is the first time in 152 years, a supermoon, blue moon, and total lunar eclipse will coincide.  The Jan. 31 full moon is special for three reasons: it’s the third in a series of “supermoons,” when the Moon is closer to Earth in its orbit -- known as perigee -- and about 14 percent brighter than usual. It’s also the second full moon of the month, commonly known as a “blue moon.” The super blue moon will pass through Earth’s shadow to give viewers in the right location a total lunar eclipse. While the Moon is in the Earth’s shadow it will take on a reddish tint, known as a “blood moon.”  "Super Blue Blood Moon"  It may sound like the apocalypse is nigh, so let's break it down by its three parts: "super," "blue" and "blood." A blue moon (a second full moon in a calendar month), a super moon (when the moon is unusually close to Earth, making it bigger and brighter) and a blood moon (a moment during an eclipse when the moon appears red) will all coincide for the first time since 1866. The eclipse begins at 5:51 AM ET, as the Moon is about to set in the western sky, and the sky is getting lighter in the east. NASA Television and the agency’s website will provide live coverage of the celestial spectacle beginning at 5:30 a.m. EST.

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"The Future Computed AI and society" Microsoft ebook

Artificial Intelligence and its role in society

Today Microsoft is releasing a new book, The Future Computed: Artificial Intelligence and its role in society. The two of us have written the foreword for the book, and our teams collaborated to write its contents. As the title suggests, the book provides our perspective on where AI technology is going and the new societal issues it has raised. Technology – including mobile devices and cloud computing – has fundamentally changed the way we consume news, plan our day, communicate, shop and interact with our family, friends and colleagues. Two decades from now, what will our world look like? At Microsoft, we imagine that artificial intelligence will help us do more with one of our most precious commodities: time. By 2038, personal digital assistants will be trained to anticipate our needs, help manage our schedule, prepare us for meetings, assist as we plan our social lives, reply to and route communications, and drive cars. Beyond our personal lives, AI will enable breakthrough advances in areas like healthcare, agriculture, education and transportation. It’s already happening in impressive ways. But as we’ve witnessed over the past 20 years, new technology also inevitably raises complex questions and broad societal concerns. As we look to a future powered by a partnership between computers and humans, it’s important that we address these challenges head on. How do we ensure that AI is designed and used responsibly? How do we establish ethical principles to protect people? How should we govern its use? And how will AI impact employment and jobs?

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"In Praise of Darkness" Henry Beston


In praise of darkness – Henry Beston, one of the most beautiful and  underrated writers of the past century, on the splendor of night and how  it nourishes the human spirit. “For a moment of night we have a glimpse of ourselves and of our world islanded in its stream of stars — pilgrims of mortality, voyaging between horizons across eternal seas of space and time.” “Were it not for shadows, there would be no beauty,” wrote the Japanese novelist Junichiro Tanizaki in his glorious 1933 love letter to darkness, enveloped in a lament about the perils of excessive illumination. It seems like, having never quite grown out of our perennial childhood fear of the dark, at some point in the twentieth century we took Carl Jung’s poetic assertion that “the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being” a little too literally and set out to illuminate darkness into nonexistence. But darkness — like silence, like solitude — belongs to that class of blessings increasingly endangered in modern life yet vitally necessary to the human spirit. No one has captured the enchantment of darkness and its eternally reigning queen, the night, more beautifully than writer and naturalist Henry Beston (June 1, 1888–April 15, 1968), who in his 1928 classic The Outermost House: A Year of Life On The Great Beach of Cape Cod (public library) does for night what Rebecca Solnit has done for walking and Robin Wall Kimmerer for moss. Read now this amazing article via

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"Nicanor Parra" el Adios de un Rockstar


“Fui lo que fui: una mezcla de vinagre y aceite de comer. ¡Un embutido de ángel y bestia!...   Durante medio siglo la poesía fue el paraíso del tonto solemne hasta que vine yo y me instalé con mi montaña rusa"  Nicanor Parra. Despedimos y tributamos al gran Nicanor Parra; el genio,  irreverente y controversial  creador de la Antipoesía;  obra  con que revolucionó la literatura, que nutrida de sus disruptivos artefactos, cambió la forma de concebir la escritura y el arte, convirtiéndose en un referente mundial que lo a hecho  ganador de grandes reconocimientos,  siendo su arte de gran influencia especialmente en la literatura hispanoamericana.  Este poeta, matemático y físico chileno, es para muchos críticos y autores connotados el mejor o uno de los mejores poetas de Occidente, que nos deja a los 103 años de vida, de historias y de arte que rompieron esquemas, creando esta figura que mítica que traciende el tiempo, transformandose en una verdadera leyenda, un ejemplo de disrupción con una obra rupturista, desafiante y mordaz.

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"Congreso Futuro 2018" EN VIVO


  El Congreso Futuro es  un espacio único de intercambio de ideas entre los chilenos y los líderes del pensamiento mundial para discutir de los dilemas y desafíos que el futuro nos plantea hoy; una verdadera fiesta de  la ciencia que busca remecer en la mente de todos; y este año su tema principal es la CONCIENCIA, vista desde distintos angulos y visiones,  llevando  este sorprendente encuentro científico/ciudadano a traves de todo Chile e impactando a toda Latinoamerica... Organizado por el Senado de Chile es  la convención  Científico/Ciudadana mas relevante de América Latina, que a puesto a Chile en el mapa mundial de la divulgación científica, por sus destacados expositores de clase mundial que con apasionantes charlas sobre los grandes temas que definirán nuestro futuro, invitándonos a tomar conciencia de nuestra realidad y de los cambios que están por llegar.  Este año el Congreso recibe a 130 de las mentes más brillantes del planeta quienes por una semana - del 15 al 21 de enero  y en 12 regiones de Chile- debatirán sus ideas e investigaciones y se comunicarán de manera directa y cercana con la ciudadanía que espera ansiosa conocer de primera fuente en el Congreso Futuro 2018, los adelantos, las conclusiones y proyecciones de los expertos en ciencias, humanidades, tecnología e innovación, sobre el futuro que es ahora.  LOS INVITAMOS A VER VIA STREAMING ESTE GRAN EVENTO... 

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"Femme Summit 2018" EN VIVO

En marco del CONGRESO FUTURO, se  realiza "Femme Summit 2018" organizado por Fundación Hypatia presentando a Sciella Elworthy, Riane Eisler y Thais Corral, Tres mujeres líderes mundiales en desarrollo humano, inteligencia colaborativa, creación de confianza y sustentabilidad, en una jornada de trabajo y reflexión conjunta por primera vez en Chile con 100 agentes de cambio en el Parque Majadas de Pirque. Donde se reunen mujeres que buscan impactar al mundo, generando un cambio real pero con otra mirada, una más humana, responsable y consciente... No te puedes perder a más de cien Mujeres lideres del país conversando sobre los desafíos de Chile para el futuro. Sígue a estas grandes agentes de cambio vía streaming en: 


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El Congreso Futuro es  un espacio único de intercambio de ideas entre los chilenos y los líderes del pensamiento mundial; una verdadera fiesta de  la ciencia que busca remecer en la mente de todos; y este año su tema principal es la CONCIENCIA, vista desde distintos angulos y visiones,  llevando  este sorprendente encuentro científico/ciudadano a traves de todo Chile e impactando a toda Latinoamerica...   Comenzado a recibir a las mentes más brillantes del planeta quienes por una semana - del 15 al 21 de enero- debatirán sus ideas e investigaciones y se comunicarán de manera directa y cercana con la ciudadanía que espera ansiosa conocer de primera fuente en el Congreso Futuro 2018, los adelantos, las conclusiones y proyecciones de los expertos en ciencias, humanidades, tecnología e innovación, sobre el futuro que es ahora... 

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"Dolores O'Riordan/ Cranberries"

"Dolores O'Riordan The Cranberries Voice"
Dolores  was an Irish musician, singer and songwriter. She led the rock band The Cranberries and
was found dead this day. Another amazing artist lost and only at 46 years old. Got into The Cranberries when I was in high school with their album "Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we?". Good bye Dolores, RIP Zombie.. "Although widely associated with alternative rock, the band's sound also incorporates indie pop, post-punk, Irish folk, and pop rock elements."

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"The Unicorns Startups of 2017"

Unicorns Startups of 2017

57 startups that became unicorns in 2017

By Jeff Desjardins at

57 startups that became unicorns in 2017: For a startup, reaching the coveted $1 billion unicorn valuation is an important milestone – but as we’ve found out in recent years, it’s not necessarily a guarantee of future success.
In 2017, there were 57 startups that crossed the unicorn threshold, and they range from well-known companies, such as Reddit or Quora, to rapid-risers like China’s Toutiao (now valued at $20 billion), which has seemingly come out of nowhere.

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"Ciencia e Innovación:" ¿Se puede Cocinar sin Ingredientes?

"Ciencia e Innovación"

¿Se puede Cocinar sin Ingredientes?

Por Gabriel León via Innovació

La Curiosidad es el motor que impulsa a la Ciencia en la búsqueda de nuevo conocimiento, haciendo que hombres y mujeres se aventuren a explorar el mundo con otros ojos. En  el intento constante de entender el funcionamiento de las cosas, muchos científicos han logrado descubrimientos inimaginables e incluso han cambiado nuestra forma de vida. En la Actualidad al mundo de la ciencia se le está exigiendo normas relativas a la innovación, haciendo que los científicos dejen de ser los locos del laboratorio y se conviertan en inventores, pero bajo esta premisa se a dejado de lado que es imposible  llegar a buenos resultados en materia de innovación sin los ingredientes que proporciona la investigación en ciencia básica. El desarrollo industrial,  la tecnología y las patentes  son resultado de la curiosidad, pero nunca habrían sido posibles sin los  conocimientos generados a partir de la investigación fundamental.  En esta columna Gabriel León nos habla de este tema, planteándonos que Privilegiar la innovación por sobre la ciencia no es el camino correcto.

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