"The Biggest Technology failures of 2018"
By Antonio Regalado via MIT Technology Review
From gene-edited babies to guaranteed-fatal brain uploads, it was a bumper year for technology misfires and misuses.It was the year that technology—and the people who create it—seemingly could do no right, and did much that was wrong. As one of my sources put it in a tweet reacting to a dumb tech stunt, “2018 can’t end soon enough.” For the past few years MIT Technology Review has published a list of what we consider the most pointless or destructive uses of technology (here are 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014). This year, though, the naughty were naughtier and the wrongs seemed wronger: technology was used to spread hate and addiction, to justify suicide, and to experiment on newborn children. Here’s our list of the very worst. Read this full article via technologyreview.com.

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