"Millennials en América"

"Millennials en América Latina y el Caribe"


Ante un panorama de incertidumbre y disrupción, marcado por la llegada acelerada de nuevas tecnologías y por la aparición de nuevas profesiones, diseñar las políticas adecuadas para que los jóvenes adquieran las habilidades necesarias para insertarse con éxito en el mercado laboral requería situar sus voces en el centro de gravedad. Para ello, varias organizaciones nos propusimos conocer, sin prejuicios ni estereotipos, qué hay detrás de las decisiones laborales y educativas de los jóvenes en América Latina y el Caribe.   Este Libro recopila y describe los principales resultados de un proyecto regional que contó con la participación de más de 15.000 jóvenes de entre 15 y 24 años en nueve países (Brasil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Haití, México, Paraguay, Perú y Uruguay). La novedad del estudio es que va más allá de las variables que normalmente se consideran, al incorporar algunas que son poco convencionales como sus aspiraciones, expectativas y habilidades cognitivas y socioemocionales, etc. Con el objetivo de intentar entender mejor a los jóvenes para impulsar medidas más acordes a los desafíos actuales que en base de estos hallazgos  se creen nuevas y modenas políticas publicas que  permitan  desarrollar su potencial. Así esta publicación sugiere acciones de política que pueden ayudar a los jóvenes a realizar una transición exitosa desde sus estudios al mercado laboral. Los resultados de esta investigación, una radiografía detallada sobre los jóvenes de América Latina y el Caribe, ofrecen un panorama alentador en la mayoría de los aspectos. En él no hay cabida para prejuicios y estereotipos, como los que pesan sobre los millennials.


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"TECH predictions for 2019" Plastic Pollution


TECH predictions
for 2019


TECH predictions for 2019: a look at the year ahead! will it be a good one? we foresee the major tech trends you’ll be working and playing with in 2019, and the design developments they will impact upon. As the year turns over you can’t help but be a little existential. humanity has a plethora of issues and you find yourself wanting to do something about it. what area of life would you love to transform in 2019?.  there’s no better place to start than one of nature’s greatest gifts: water. according to our research there has been a new shift towards ocean activism as the pollution of our seas gains worldwide attention. the threat of plastic is real and you could get a surge of motivation to change your lifestyle because of it. Read this full article via

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"¿Que es ser Profesional?" Julian Ugarte

¿Que es ser Profesional? Julian Ugarte


En esta  charla TEDxUFSM Julian Ugarte Co-Fundador de SociaLab nos lleva por un camino lleno de Disrupción e Innovación, realizando una provocadora  pregunta  ¿Que es ser Profesional?. Para redefinir este concepto nos hace pensar a través de  una analogía que le hizo Bernardo Toro, uno de los pensadores más importantes de la educación y la democracia en América Latina...   Si Messi y Neymar son dos de los futbolistas mas destacados a nivel mundial ¿son ambos profesionales si no fueron a la universidad?,  la respuesta es obvia ya que es inimaginable no considerarlos como dos de los más grandes profesionales en su rubro;  pero si ninguno curso la  educación superior;  entonces  que  significa realmente ser profesional. Ante esto Julian  nos propone otra visión de este termino que comúnmente utilizamos día a día, donde afirma que no es relativo a ir o no la Universidad, sino que es aquella persona que es Capaz de "Resolver Problemas en el Mundo Real" creando soluciones ante las distintas contingencias que se presentan en el día a día.


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"Feliz Navidad" Christmas Rock Cover

 Classic song by First To Eleven

"Feliz Navidad," like many Christmas songs, has been frequently covered. Notable artists who have recorded the song  and "First To Eleven" brings us a great rock cover of this great song...    "This song has always been a bridge to the cultures that are so dear to me, never as a vehicle for a political platform of racism and hate. It's disgusting and my only wish that my song and I are distanced from the whole affair as soon as possible" José Feliciano. "Feliz Navidad"  is a macaronic Christmas song written in 1970 by the Puerto Rican singer and songwriter José Feliciano. With its simple Spanish chorus (the traditional Christmas/New Year greeting, "Feliz Navidad, próspero año y felicidad" meaning "Merry Christmas, a prosperous year and happiness") and equally simple English verse "I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart", it has become a classic Christmas pop song.

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"Christmas Rock And Roll Songs"

Best Classic
Top Greatest Rock And Roll Music For Christmas

"Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn't come from a store" Dr. Seuss. "You see, rock and roll isn't a career or hobby - it's a life force. It's something very essential" The Edge .The energy of rock music wouldn’t seem to be a good fit for the solemnity of Christmas songs, but as this list demonstrates, sometimes it turns out to be a winning combination . Whether it’s a band covering a classic or an artist expressing his own sentiments about the season, here are some songs that will make your yuletide memorable.

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"The Nightmare Before Christmas" ART


"Filled with imagination that carries us into a new world". The Nightmare Before Christmas is a 1993 American stop-motion animated musical dark fantasy film directed by Henry Selick, and produced and conceived by Tim Burton. It tells the story of Jack Skellington, a resident from "Halloween Town" who stumbles through a portal to "Christmas Town" and decides to celebrate the holiday, with some dastardly and comical consequences. "The Nightmare Before Christmas is a stunningly original and visually delightful work of stop-motion animation."

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"Baby, It’s Cold Outside" A Very Christmas


"Baby, It's Cold Outside" is a cover from A Very She & Him Christmas, the first Christmas album and the third studio album by the folk/indie rock band "She & Him," consisting of actress and musician Zooey Deschanel and musician M. Ward."Baby, It's Cold Outside" is a song written by Frank Loesser in 1944. It is a call and response duet in which one of the singers (usually performed by a male voice) attempts to convince a guest (usually performed by a female voice) that they should stay together for a romantic evening because the weather is cold and the trip home would be difficult. This great song was interpreted by She & Him,  the videoclip was Directed by Elliot Dear and animated with Christmas inspiration, humor,  grace and style... As an animated Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward celebrate the holidays in a snowbound cabin. WATCH NOW THIS FUNNY VIDEO WITH THE BEAUTIFUL VOICE OF ZOOEY DESCHANEL.

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"Merry Christmas" Happy Dinosaurs!

Merry Christmas!
We wish you all happy and Merry Christmas 
with your loved ones!

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"How Tech is transforming the Education"

"How Tech is transforming the Education"
How Technology Is Transforming the Way We Teach and Learn

Our education system is in need of reform. Most students are not taught to be self-motivated lifelong learners, nor do they come out of the school system with the skills, mindsets, and values required to survive a world of accelerating change. Most students do not graduate to feeling inspired to contribute to human progress. Traditional school curricula have mostly gone unchanged for centuries, and there is a lack of scientific basis in pedagogy. There continues to be an emphasis on short-term grades and individual achievement. How can we effectively educate future generations? What do we need to change about mainstream education? The answer to these questions does not entail small incremental changes, but rather a complete overhaul of mainstream education as it exists today. It also requires changing how we define education to begin with. Technology is already transforming the way we teach and learn. Digital classrooms, global online collaborations, and personalized learning are just the beginning. What will these technological trends in EdTech lead to? What will the word “education” even mean 30 years from now?. READ NOW THIS FULL ARTICLE VIA SINGULARITY HUB!

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"London Calling" The Clash

What is your favorite song of this innovative album?

London Calling is the third studio album by English punk rock band the Clash. Released in 1979, the cover was an homage to Elvis Presley debut album...    London Calling has been considered by many critics to be one of the greatest rock albums of all time.  Themes explored in the songs include social displacement, unemployment, racial conflict, drug use, and the responsibilities of adulthood. In a contemporary review for The New  York Times, John Rockwell said the album finally validated the acclaim received by the Clash up to that point because of how their serious political themes and vital playing were retained in music with innovative features and broad appeal: "This is an album that captures all the Clash's primal energy, combines it with a brilliant production job by Guy Stevens and reveals depths of invention and creativity barely suggested by the band's previous work."

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"Godzilla:King Of the Monsters"

"Godzilla:King Of the Monsters"

Which Of These Kaijus is your favorite?

The new story follows to Godzilla, who collides with Mothra, Rodan, and his ultimate nemesis, the three-headed King Ghidorah. When these ancient super-species—thought to be mere myths—rise again, they all vie for supremacy, leaving humanity's very existence hanging in the balance.
  Godzilla:King Of the Monsters. One of the films I'm looking forward too in 2019.  This American monster film is directed and co-written by Michael Dougherty. It is a sequel to Godzilla (2014) and will be the 35th film in the Godzilla franchise, the third film in Legendary's MonsterVerse, and the third Godzilla film to be completely produced by a Hollywood studio.

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"CHILE organizador del COP25"


"Creemos que el verdadero desarrollo económico y social sólo es posible si se cuida el medio ambiente" @CarolaSchmidtZ. La ministra del Medio Ambiente, Carolina Schmidt, destacó que el país sea sede de la COP25, cita de dos semanas de duración que reunirá a ministros y jefes de Estado de 197 países. “Representa un desafío enorme, el que asumimos como un hito histórico que nos permitirá seguir avanzando como país en el desarrollo sustentable y en nuestro compromiso con el medio ambiente”, sostuvo la secretaria de Estado.Los ojos del mundo se posarán en Chile luego que se eligiera, por unanimidad, a nuestro país como organizador de la próxima reunión de la Conferencia de las Partes (COP) de Naciones Unidas, la cumbre sobre el cambio climático más importante del mundo y donde se reúnen representantes de alto nivel de 197 países.

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"Sandinista" The Clash


"Sandinista" The Clash


  Anticipating the "world music" trend of the 1980s, it features funk, reggae, jazz, gospel, rockabilly, folk, dub, rhythm and blues, calypso, disco, and rap; It was a record whose topic was as many years ahead of its time as its sound. Sandinista! is the fourth studio album by the English band the Clash. It was released on 12 December 1980 as a triple album containing 36 tracks, an amazing artwork that impacts until today where the mixture of style and cultures, shows us how art transcends borders, embodying a true revolution.

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